Some Ideas/Sights While on Lockdown... | Page 3 | Vital Football

Some Ideas/Sights While on Lockdown...

To get through the current lockdown I have developed the RECCS procedure as follows:
Routine - Develop a daily routine and stick to it. Allocate downtime - no phones etc. Set a weekly marker by chilling out on Sunday.
Exercise - Once a day - get outside if you can.
Communication - Vital to avoid conflict. We are normally too busy to talk but this is an opportunity say how we feel about one another. Talk to others on the telephone and internet.
Cleanliness - Vital with Coranavirus. Wash hands regularly. Maintain standards
Setting - Set tasks the previous evening. Lockdown is an opportunity to undertake jobs at home such as attacking the garden or learning new skills such as tracing ancestors.
Up the Gills - have you seen how much is on UTube - old games etc?.