Site adverts | Vital Football

Site adverts


Vital Squad Member
I’ve never shopped for women’s clothes in my life. Can someone please tell explain why I keep getting the advert above every time I come on this page?
It’s annoying but I don’t complain about it because the site probably needs the money more than ever right now. Can’t blame them in these times.
Adverts (IVY PARK) are really annoying on this site now and I'm struggling with them - there are side banners that reduce viewing of the whole page on a phone and on a desktop giving me a 'kin headache as they are SO distracting.
will let the powers that be know gents, I'm in Barca for my op so might be slow in updating.

But as said, will let them know (appreciate the alert sent as well, otherwise I'd not have seen this)
Any one get the Microsoft one that takes over the phone browser.

Just got one for depilatory cream, should be handy, to get rid of the grey hairs
It's not great on the phone with the ads, but no problem whatsoever on a laptop.

Take care Jonathan.