They’re colour coded to length of contract key is at the bottomInteresting that, it must be one of our youngest ever squads, I hadn’t realised that Clarke and Campbell are both still young enough to improve. Why are some greyed out?
Cheers Bully. I’m on the phone, it didn’t appear till I clicked on itThey’re colour coded to length of contract key is at the bottom
The various national teams in Canada were using something similar. The premise was it was too difficult for coaches to get around everywhere to see players in person so they went on metrics.
I think we need some creative glue to get these new signings and team singing. Time for Wilder to see what is blatantly obvious, play Hamer central !.
It wasn’t ray wilkins daughter was itThe various national teams in Canada were using something similar. The premise was it was too difficult for coaches to get around everywhere to see players in person so they went on metrics.
Now dependent on how strictly you apply these metrics and what they are you can get vastly different takes on the same player. We had a central midfilder here, female who went to a U,20 camp, had a passing percentage in the high 90s. But most of her passes were back and sideways, 10-15 yards.
I didn't like the system and it didn't work (the player I mentioned above was proof) not sure if they still use it, my involvement at that level has reduced since covid. They seem to have gone to a more James bond espionage approach (fucking drones in Paris)
Without knowing what standards/metrics, they are using its difficult to say, but at their ages you would hope these lads are coming in to make an immediate impact. I guess we will see.
When I say something nice about the Pigs.Back in the day although costing f..k all Mick Speight was the brunt of moans,Groans and f..k him off. However, he came good and became a brill midfield battler and important member of the team and got picked for the England League team. How much longer must we wait for Brewster to finally come good?
I Dont think you or I have that many years left.Back in the day although costing f..k all Mick Speight was the brunt of moans,Groans and f..k him off. However, he came good and became a brill midfield battler and important member of the team and got picked for the England League team. How much longer must we wait for Brewster to finally come good?
Its more fundamental than that. We get our understanding of Victorian times through Charles Dickens, medieval time through Chaucer, and so on. The problem with, e.g. Bridgeton, is that there is now a generation of young people who think that black people were fully integrated into the upper echelons of British society in the 18th century, because they have seen it on telly. They might reasonably ask what happened to them, because they'd been so successful, and there is no history or truth to be found. I'm in favour of colour blind casting in many genre's but in a historical context or depicting a real or traditional character (Robin Hood, say...), its really manipulation. It works the other way round too. As an example, Peter Ustinovs 1970's portrayals of Charlie Chan, are pretty hard to watch now.We tried Jane Austen but the channel was changed when the Blind Casting Brigade spoiled it . Would black people like to see a new version of Roots with Charles Hawtrey cast as Kunte Kinte ?
Turned out to be Charlie Wong.In Kuala Lumpa once went with a bird who was a dead ringer for Suzie Wong!