Vital Champions League
Allegedly created to bring in a wider, younger audience and to provide the funds to support the county game.It's costing the ECB millions.Spot on just another money spinner to con the public.
The franchises are up for auction next year so we'll see how it's valued when commercial enterprises are invited to cough up.
The ECB have said that - (and we think the FA are stupid)- it makes money IF YOU DON'T TAKE THE PLAYER'S WAGES into account!
I think it will be a short lived, mad, experiment and, whilst not liking the T20 it is at least county based with some supporter loyalty.
Imagine football having a regional franchise base with the South Yorkshire Yeoman, made up of SUFC, SWC, RUFC,BFC and DRFC making up the core of the team.Would anyone want to watch that????