Hypothetical situation | Page 3 | Vital Football

Hypothetical situation

Surely you mean Billionaire.

EM has generated most of his own wealth.

He started Capital straight out of University in 92 and grew it into a huge concern way before his old man died in 99.

He inherited his old man's Company and he now describes the entity as a family business.

The Company grew out of all recognition when he teamed up with private equity group WL Ross in 2018.

His tanker business alone is valued at 2bn; he owns a shed load of media Companies on top of that.
Marinakas company Capital Group have several orders in for ships to be built. One order, from Korea is for four ships at over £270m per ship. That is one order, amongst several. Ships due to be delivered in 2028. He is not short of money or ambition.
Marinakas company Capital Group have several orders in for ships to be built. One order, from Korea is for four ships at over £270m per ship. That is one order, amongst several. Ships due to be delivered in 2028. He is not short of money or ambition.
Everytime there are problems at sea, like the Suez problems now, and the tanker crisis last year, Marinakis coins it.

Everything he touches turns to gold, and yet look at the shambolic way we are run.

Let's hope we don't have to wait too much longer for some of that to rub off on us.

He may be emotional and rash but he is a fair distance from being stupid.
well, he's obviously successful and capable but that doesnt mean he doesnt make a hundred stupid mistakes too, thats money ball again I suppose, same as Musk, he's hardly the brightest tool is he but still hugely successful. Intelligence and stupidity aren't exclusive :)