Harry Wharton
Vital Youth Team
If you bought your ticket at the Ticket Office and you were told that it wouldb e added to your season ticket... It appears it hasn't been done!!!!!!!!!!! My friend, by chance, was going past the ticket office earlier today and just called and asked if his and his grand daughters tickets had been added to their season tickets? They checked and told him they hadn't,been added...So they printed them off for him. Another friend who bought his at the same time rang the ticket office and inquired, and was told his and mine and another friend's tickets hadn't had their tickets added either. So they said they will print them off for us to collect
I said to my friend when we bought them I bet a thousand to one it will be a COCK UP and I've been proved right. I'm informing people to check as I can see hundreds of fans turning up on Saturday to find, when they get to the turnstiles, that no ticket has been added to their Season Tickets.
I said to my friend when we bought them I bet a thousand to one it will be a COCK UP and I've been proved right. I'm informing people to check as I can see hundreds of fans turning up on Saturday to find, when they get to the turnstiles, that no ticket has been added to their Season Tickets.