Freedom of Speech | Vital Football

Freedom of Speech


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Make no mistake, freedom of speech is in serious danger of being a long distance memory for the majority of this countries residents

The counterargument is of course that my freedom of speech can be taken as hate speech. Such a broad array of speech can now be classed as hate speech

It is impossible to say anything about Muslims without being branded a racist, even though Muslim is not a race

There is a guy called Vernon Mussington who was taken to Crown Court for saying the words 'Alright Geezer' to a transgender.

Now I do not condone people who are using language to be racist. I have 4 mixed race half brothers and sisters and know what they went through as kids growing up. I cannot stand that stuff but there needs to be some common sense being used

It doesn't matter if you like Tommy Robinson or not

What he has been arrested or is disgusting. For simply reporting on pedo rape gangs

It is freedom of speech that is in the spotlight here and is in real danger of being snuffed out by The Government of the UK

It is a disgrace and almost certainly a death sentence in today's prisons. a lad who threw a bacon sandwich outside a Mosque (something I obviously do not agree with) was sent to prison for a year and killed within 6 months. How long do you think Tommy is going to last?

Only a few weeks ago someone was in court for telling a joke ffs

The UK is becoming a dangerous Police State

Always a fine line between free speech and inciting hatred and/or violence.

I have little to no time for this multiple named violent individual.

But I do agree we live in a country where we enjoy freedom of speech. It's precious. Some sadly waste it on bile and hatred. Not sure where the line is drawn as to where it goes from freedom to taking liberties.

Its a tough one and a subject I've often had to visit running this network.
I think the line is quite clear. You can say pretty much all you want, until you start grouping whole sections of society together and inciting hatred against them.

I can say I don't like the way Israel acts, but I can't (and never would) say I hate all Jews.

Unless, of course, you feel inciting hate against any group is acceptable?
Nope, no such thing as free speech.

And Robinson wasn't arrested for that or a right to expression, what his supporters conveniently fail to realise is that there are reporting restrictions on any live court case so that the jury (or prior jury sample) aren't effectively tainted leading to an unfair trial.

He and they were warned of this and they continued anyway - strange that?

Rather than 'reporting' what Robinson was doing was giving them a legal excuse to forfeit the trial so he could bang his own 'woe is me' BS button - so justice doesn't matter to him.

He's banging the paedo drum for his self promotion - very classy eh Tubbz. You won't find that on is self promoting youtube videos though as clearly he wants to be the victim for his own ends.
ps the ilk of the daily fail disprove that as well with their campaigns but they're intelligent enough to stay within long established and well known laws.
He's set his narrative and unless you look deeper his claims sound genuine. Why can't he report from outside a court after-all.

He knows why, a previous case informed him and warned him, but he spins to followers 'freedom of speech bloody foreigners' and they don't know any better it seems.

I particularly liked:

"Why couldn't we initially report Robinson's arrest and jailing? Reporting restrictions are a long-standing part of the British legal system. In this case, the judge ordered a temporary media black-out because he feared reporting Robinson's conviction could influence the jury in the very case Robinson was targeting. This is not some new form of censorship directed at Robinson. These are rules that apply to us all, equally. If he is unsure about that, he's now got time on his hands to read a copy of Essential Law for Journalists."

I can testify, that Bible is a great read :grinning:
It's funny how it's the same suspects that fall for it every time, though. I must admit, I hadn't seen the story, so my initial comments were on the Laws themselves. Like anybody that doesn't know about a subject, I kept quiet on Robinson until I could look into it.

Our mistake is thinking others do the same.
This is the problem with biased youtube coverage and self proclaimed 'journos', it's believable and I've not doubt I've fallen for crocks of shite before myself and no doubt will, but especially these days that's why you have to be so careful especially when a 'piece' implores you to get outraged and offended.

Christ we know it works - looks at the Bullshit Sun, the Daily Fail, Never Looks In TheMirror and then the ilk of the Starless - their power over the populous telling them what to think because it suits dinner time reading at work and reaffirms what they already thought.

It's not actually a slur on anyone, the psychology is expertly conducted and carried out and we should demand better - but no, with Brexit bollocks the Gov have shelved Leveson 2 so Murdoch (funny as Fox!) effectively wins again.

Wonder if he's got shares in youtube?
Well, it's owned by Google. He probably has some Alphabet shares.

I think it should be compulsory to read at least two sources before you comment on something.

In the good news today, the right wing media is melting down over Roseanne!!!! I love it.
In this country and on this forum we have laws - we might need to end the conversation there lol

Yeah, following her meltdown. Bill Maher had it spot on the other week and clearly he was giving her credit she didn't deserve! For another thread though.
It does show how bad our politicians are that people would turn to a character like this, it isn't even his real name.

I fear for what is coming, I really do.
Yup, it's the whole BNP becoming reputable that gave birth to UKIP when they realised BNP would never lose it's stigma if a political party.

Disgusting and 'sad' sign of the times unfortunately and this chap is just another lining his own nest as a victim whilst knowing exactly what he's doing - hence the name change on the simplest of tricks. Sadly those who follow, and he has a decent crowd numbers wise, are too smitten to open their eyes.

Modern day politicians and their own nest feathering has a hell of a lot to answer for.

But the UK is far from alone in that are we when you look around the globe and the growing anti establishment, fake news, dictators/far right rule surge we seem to be on as a planet.
I think the line is quite clear. You can say pretty much all you want, until you start grouping whole sections of society together and inciting hatred against them.

I can say I don't like the way Israel acts, but I can't (and never would) say I hate all Jews.

Unless, of course, you feel inciting hate against any group is acceptable?

I didn't need condescending or to have any of that explained to be fair. Your interpretation would differ to others as to what constitutes free speech. Some of your exchanges with GT overstepped the mark for what some would allow. For others, they'd prefer people to say what they think and stand or fall to whatever they say.

There is a fine line, MF and myself often talk through it as to behaviour on the network.

If you are seriously asking me the question that ends your post, then you have obviously never read a single post I've made over the years on here and you'll no longer be welcome on my site. You might have thought it smart, you might not have thought it through, but I find it insulting.
Just so you know, This thread is not just about Tommy Robinson

It is about free speech, which has disappeared in Britain
Explain how someone can be arrested and charged for saying Alright Geezer to a man who identifies as a woman?