Ched Evans | Page 2 | Vital Football

Ched Evans

I understand the maximum you can get under a malicious prosecution is £500k. Sadly the reported action seems to be more about money than seeking legal redress.

I'm afraid I'd have to ask how the prosecution was malicious? A complaint had been made about theft, and Evans was identified and asked by the police to give his version of events and did so, seemingly without legal advice ( up...). The problem was that his version of events, his actions and behaviour (read the court documents...), gave significant cause for concern that a serious sexual assault had taken place, and a prosecution was brought on that basis. That's the law doing its job, nothing malicious about it.

I can accept that he was poorly advised, and he and his agent, (and by extension the Directors and Chairman of Sheffield United), seemingly did not take the situation seriously until it became obvious that this whole matter was, in fact, deadly serious, and his conduct that night (read the court documents...) had put him on thin ice. I have no doubt that if his legal advice had been of better quality and he had understood his situation and acted appropriately, his legal council would have found enough doubt to get him off first time. However, whatever your opinion of the verdict, the undeniable fact was that Evans was tried on the evidence presented, and found guilty on the evidence presented.

Then again I believe that if he'd gone home to the missus instead of making the conquest, we could have avoided all this tawdry mess completely. Unfortunately, especially with young men, dick often over-rules brain.
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Sex and rape are not the same thing FKB. This law thing that says you are innocent until proven guilty didn't count. No corroborative evidence
and of the 3 that where there, two said she agreed....seems malicious to me.
Read the transcript of his actions, then understand what consent means in the law. Her evidence was that she had no knowledge or recollection of Evans being in the room. If that is true and there is no reason to think otherwise, then that suggests if she could not commit things to memory due to drink/drugs, then she was also incapable of giving her consent. Read again his actions and behaviour up to the event and immediately afterward and tell me with a straight-face that the police should not have been concerned about what happened. Whether the men both agree is irrelevant. The whole case turns on 'Did she knowingly give consent?. If there is a doubt that she did, then the CPS were 100% right in taking it to court and putting it before judge and jury.

Malicious suggests that the court system was trying to do harm to Evans, they clearly were not, They were trying a case of alleged serious sexual assault on the evidence presented by counsel.
The court system was and is trying to do harm to men.

I'm not sure thats true Chips, but I am alarmed about the rise of rampant feminism. Feminism appears not to seek equality but to actively support discrimination against men, and appears to be able through their #metoo campaign to name and shame widely with little or any proof, destroy mens reputations and cause irreprable harm without right of reply. I'm sorry if individual women have had bad experiences with individual men, but that doesn't make it right to punish all men. (I also maintain that if anyone thinks its a 'mans world' then they've fundamentally misunderstood the whole thing...).

Don't get me wrong, there is a lot, (really, a lot....) of sexism. Its a long time since the days of 'Carry on...' and that stuff just won't do any more. We've all* grown up since then. (*when I say 'all', thats nowhere near everyone, not by a long way...). We equally can't deny that men and women, (and other combinations) find each other attractive and want to have sex together and for the future of the human race, this is a good thing.

Anyway. I'm done with the Ched thing. (for about the fifth time now). There was much to be concerned about in what happened and has happened subsequently, but I've been talking about it for what, five or six years now and its enough. I've always tried to keep my personal feelings out of it (although I think you'll guess what they are...) and just found myself endlessly explaining the law, his behaviour, why he was charged, why he was found guilty at his original trial and why he was not guilty at his retrial. I don't know but I'm guessing *everyone (*that really means 'everyone') is sick of it now.

Good luck to the lad at Fleetwood. I hope he has a good whats left of his career, and he enjoys his family life. Yes, GLTTL, but if we never heard about him again it would be a bonus.
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I have largely stood up for ched but in this case I think he should just let it go and get on with his life.
Sadly I think this is the actions of a man who knows a once promising career is gone, he's lost a few years playing and developing time and the chance of a decent pay day has now disappeared. Current evidence would suggest League One or Two is his level and he's only got a few years before he'll have to think about retiring.