Cavani faces FA investigation | Vital Football

Cavani faces FA investigation

You would think, but I’m not holding my breath.
The media pounced hard and fast with Bernie but so far they have reported on this softly, emphasising the different perception where he comes frm.

That should be irrelevant. But yes, this is not making many waves, not like Bernardo's
I thought that it had been quietly swept under the FA’s Axminster.
Still no outrage and condemnation though.
No. Quietly being passed over by the usual media suspects who do not want to alienate their income sources .....and feel the hot breath of hypocrisy on their necks after lynching Bernardo earlier in the year
I couldn’t help but be struck by the language in the first paragraph......

“a social media post containing a Spanish phrase that is offensive in some contexts.” (my emphasis)​
Sorry? WTF? Since when TVP did the BBC act as an apologist for the rags? The term used was offensive in any context.

Simon Stone being the author it comes as no surprise that he is pandering to the hurt feelings of the JoMU clan when I recall no such sympathy being expressed towards Bernardo Silva. Ridiculous. The length of the ban speaks for itself.
“There is sympathy for the Uruguayan in what was an innocent personal post.”

Really? It was in pretty short supply if I recall last year when Bernardo posted his image to Mendy. Then they wanted him branded as a racist and there was a HUGE outcry in the media and from Kick it Out etc.

All strangely silent and muted on this matter though no small part I feel because the JoMU friendly media are keeping this below the radar and not making it FRONT PAGE NEWS or topping their news feeds.