Vital Squad Member
got mine ordered now
its an honour for me just to have these Villa icons read it. I hope it rekindles the memories of that magic time for all who look at it. I did cheat a bit - I had to look at the fixture list and results for that season lol
Forty quid for the hardback edition - strewth! Will be ordering one though, looking forward to a feet up glass of red Sunday afternoon with it. So this means we have one league title in the last 111 years - blimey.
And what I didn't add to the original post Jon was the fact that my Mom died on my birthday and ever since birthdays have not been really happy occasions - it will be 40 years next month since her passing and whilst time is a healer, the pain never totally goes away.Sorry to read all that claret & blue blood.
I wonder if he kept my letter as well.
I have mentioned you before though, due to the name... !
Was going to do this by private message, but thought twice, as it is so nice and Erod was thought of so highly by so many.
@Dumble @Wicked Messenger
Had a call from Sir Dennis Mortimer today, we talked about the book just out and promotion etc but the main thing was he was going through memorabilia and found some letters from someone called Robert Dore.
"Oh Rob, bless, gem of a man."
Oh you knew him, I hoped as much.
He read out some of his legendary letters and also a poem sent to Dennis. Was a lovely walk down memory lane. Also read something from the press, hadn't got a name on it, then he chuckled and said this was you wasn't it?! Yeah, think so. It name checked Dennis as Sir Dennis! lol
Thought you'd like to know. Such a shame, he would have rung him up and talked to him about these from all those years back. But we had a nice chuckle at Erod's passion and humour against Doug and for the Villa.
Café Chutney.Remember meeting up with Rob at the Indian at the bottom of the hill in Stratford, forgotten the name.