Adding Social Media, Youtube, Gifs | Vital Football

Adding Social Media, Youtube, Gifs

Add images. Got to the little image icon by smilies in your reply box:


either drag and drop the image from your image folder, or click the box and select your image.


Click the image, press open and hey presto, it's on here.

Click the ...v in your reply box


Click giphy ... and ask yourself, what are we doing with our lives :grinning:


You can search for gifs in the box where I've expertly put an arrow

Then see the top left gif, hover over it, you'll see a link button, click that and it saves the link (cuts and pastes it automatically)


paste into the 'insert media box' (1) and click continue (2)


Hey and indeed presto

Smilies... just press:


to view them, click the same icon for them to go back hidden. Just click whatever smilie you want to show in your post

The rest, you can just hover over and see what they do, bold, italic, underline, strike through, different colours, etc