A-Z Of Pets | Vital Football

A-Z Of Pets


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This can be anything to do with any animal that can live with you! Breeds, names, things they need - anything goes!

A Airedale Terrier Dog
B - bowls for food and water. Minnie has to have a raised feeding bowl because of her height.
Oh, I'd never thought about that.

C Cats - my daughter has inherited two from her partners daughter. When I'm talking to her on Whatsapp the black one insists on talking to me too!
Awwwh! What are they called?

D - Dogs, Minnie has kept a routine to my days through lockdown and walking her has meant I see people every day.
Zib is the black one and Dago the 'tiger' colour.

Yes, I bet Minnie's been good company for you too, Sixpence.

E English Springer Spaniel - two next door to us that bark and bark and bark and .... well you get the picture
F - Fish, we’ve had goldfish and I remember more than 40 years ago we had a couple of Bristol Shubunkins!
Wow! I didn't know goldfish had other names except carp! Ours usually came from the fair! We did have one called Chips who lived in a trifle bowl but he only lasted a couple of days.

G Gerbils - had them at the school I worked at.
They have very big protruding eyes!
We had gerbils Mickey and ?? - can’t remember the name of the other one. They kept fighting, we would get up some mornings and have to bathe the wounds they had given each other!

H - Hamster - couldn’t really see the point of having them as pets - mostly they sleep all day and are awake all night!
Blimey! Well, one weekend these gerbils escaped from their cages somehow and I can tell you they don't do so well in a freezing cold school.

I Iguana
Oh dear.

J - Jumping - I think Minnie is part kangaroo, she does vertical high jumps when she is very excited.
Maybe she wanted to be in horse racing over the jumps instead of greyhound racing!

K Kids - I have a facebook 'friend' from the USA and she has just bought one of her children a kid goat!
P - Poodles. Both my Mum and Dad and my mother in law have had poodles in the past. Trudi and Pepe.
You didn't have Paul, George and John to go with him then?!

S Sandy - my Auntie had a corgi called Sandy (used to fart all the time!)
Well, we also had one called George!

T - Training - I don’t think people should own dogs if they are not prepared to put in the effort to train them.