£625 you want some ? | Vital Football

£625 you want some ?

Would just sneak in by 8 months but not availble to Northerners. They will no doubt do the HS2 approach and test South to North when we all get done.
As you'd had some spelling issues today...'worms' was an oblique reference to this sketch by the late great Ronnie Barker in the days where comedy was funny,

Soz, I have always had issues of spelling and tense. Dyslexia or whatever.
Plus, I think so fast that my fingers can't keep up when typing!
Soz, I have always had issues of spelling and tense. Dyslexia or whatever.
Plus, I think so fast that my fingers can't keep up when typing!

No worries mate. I’m fact it gave me the chance to see the Ronnie Barker clip again. Can’t believe how Ronnie performed a monologue like this one. Their musical finales were always so fresh and brilliantly done. There’s nothing as good and downright funny as this anymore. Sarah Millican talking about periods isn’t it...