Woodpigeon | Vital Football



Vital Squad Member
For the last month i had a pair of woodpigeon nest in a conifer tree in my garden,i got a birds eye veiw of them building the nest from my landing window.

For the last couple of weeks they laid a clutch of two eggs and were taking it in turns to sit on them.
Tragedy struck a few days ago when one of them was hit by a vehicle right outside the front garden,there were soft white feathers everywhere and a dead bird at the kerb side,i picked it up and took it into the garden,i gave it to the foxes the next nite.

The lone woodpigeon sat on the nest for 8 hours until about 6pm and then flew off,the eggs were left overnite andwould obviously what ever was inside would have perished.

The woodpigeon came back the netx morning and sat on the eggs again for a few hours waiting for her/his mate to come,and left the nest again.

Was so looking forward to seeing those eggs hatch and the squabs grow.

Yesterday the woodpigeon was back near the nest being suited aby another two woodpigeons who were having a bit of a set to,and this morning a woodpigeon is sitting on the same nest.

I can see the old eggs broken on the garden floor under the nest,looks like nature has a way of quickly moving on.

So my fingers are crossed for them this time.

My interest in pigeons goes back to my childhood,my dad used to race them and i have seen chicks in his coyt,they are ugly things when they are hatched.
And today i have seen my first Hedgehog of the spring,sadly it had been squashed by a vehicle on the main road outside my house,it was a very big Hog too of breeding size,last summer i had no less than six hoglets in my garden,put food out for them every nite until they all went into hiding in the autumn.

Hedgehog need our help they are in decline,its becoming rare to see them now even squashed ones,in your garden could you just leave a small gap in a fence so that they can move from garden to garden,they eat slugs so are good to have around.

Last summer in the dead of nite i put raw chicken wings out for the foxes and their cubs, i saw a Hedgehog munching on one of them,chicken wing not a fox.