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  • Moonay your correct I love the face book pages and most of the groups I'm a member of the problem I had was seeing my name for vital posted on face book so being a good bloke sent a private message on face book to ask why only to be abused with fuck off you twat in all my time on face book or vital I have never said this. And saying I had reported him loads of times when I have not .
    Hi John, as I said, I'm not on that group so haven't seen anything. He says you called him a prick before he admits being abusive in return.
    Personally, I don't see the issue with people knowing our true identities ... especially you, as you're not offensive in any way on here, but others shouldn't be the ones to reveal someone's identity if they'd rather keep it private.
    Regardless, keep on posting. 👍
    Apparently you are following me.....!
    Not sure if that's good or slightly concerning....? 😂
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    Reactions: moonay
    I didn't know I was ... so I'm not any more. 😉
    No offence like ...
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